Fragrance Reviews

Kerosene Black Vines Fragrance Review


* Black Vines kicks of with a loud, bracing burst of black licorice and mint.

* It is very fresh and exhilarating – making it a great morning wake-up scent.

Fragrance Reviews

Parfumerie Generale Private Collection: Un Crime Exotique Fragrance Review

* A strong refreshing burst of cinnamon with apricot, gingerbread, and licorice kicks this off.

* Imagine sweet dessert pastries and teas that are cooling rather than warming for an idea.

Fragrance Reviews

Lili Bermuda Somers Fragrance Review

*  Somers starts sweet and woody – with licorice and cinnamon, sharpened by cedar.

*  The cedar burns off quickly, leaving cinnamon and licorice as the focus.